Excellent product for cleaning and softening woollens and delicates.
Available in 25L
Oxidising agent for use in laundries for bleaching and sanitising.
Available in 5L & 25L
Potassium based liquid laundry builder, containing sequestering and soil suspending agents providing good soil removal in the pre or main wash.
Is most effective when used in conjunction with our liquid laundry detergent.
Available in 25L, 200L & 1000L
A concentrated liquid laundry detergent to be used in the main wash for all classifications of linen.
Should only be used with an automatic dosing system. This detergent provides very effective soil removal and can be used in a variety of machines ranging from 10kg up to continuous batch washers.
Available in 25L, 200L & 1000L
Concentrated liquid neutralising agent, suitable for all classifications of linen.
Produces a high souring effect on all fabrics, coloured or white.
To be used in the final rinse so that the pH is neutral.
Available in 25L
Brilliant stain remover for oil and grease stains. Use as an additive to the wash
to remove oil and grease stains.
Laundry / detergent powder booster for use in hot and cold washes. Soluble in hydrocarbon which makes it an effective pre-spotter for use in hydrocarbon dry cleaning machines.
Can be used as a pre-spotter or pre-spray. Suitable for all fabrics.
Available in 5L & 20L